Mission priorities
Explore our mission priorities for 2022 – 2024
Every two years we take time out to meet together to consider where God is calling us as church in his mission. The following priorities were agreed and with a number of actions resulting from each one it helps to focus our agendas and activities going forward, always being open to the direction of the Holy Spirit.
To seek ways to engage with and witness to our communities and serve and support them and share the good news of Jesus with them.
To seek ways to deepen our fellowship with each other and those we invite and welcome. To teach and learn and nurture each other.
To consider ways we can increase our profile so our communities know where we are, what we believe and what we do.
We support three charities a year on a rolling program. This year we are supporting our local Food Bank, Harrogate Homeless Project, and Sightsavers. We also support Samaritan’s Purse, Christian Aid and Disasters Emergency Committee as needed.